Rosetta Davis
Southwestern Regional Director
Rosetta Davis is a proud 22+ member of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. Southwestern Region, Alpha Kappa Chapter in Houston, Texas that is fueled with the desire, energy, and commitment in strengthening the sorority through unified effort. I am the third of seven children, a wife of thirty-eight years, a mother of two sons, and a happy and proud grandmother of two granddaughters. I retired in education as an Assistant Principal and taught middle schoolmathematics for twenty-five years.
I joined the TED Masterclass in 2018 partnered with a cohort individual in Dallas, Texas. I am currently engaged in contract work through Trice Education Resources Inc. in computer-based test preparation for TELPAS students. During my tenure as a member in Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. since 1999, I attended every Southwestern Regional Conference and every National Convention.
Locally, as a member of Alpha Kappa Chapter, I have served as Corresponding Secretary, Dean of Intake, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President, and Chapter President 2009-2011 and 2016 Chapter Soror of the Year. Chapter Committees included Membership, Business Month, American Education Week, Crazy Hat, Scrapbook, FILs, Community Outreach, Publicity, and Technology Chair.
Regionally, I served on the following Southwestern Region Committees: Sergeant-Arms, Program Cluster Leader, SWR Webmaster, Bylaws, and Bylaws Chair. Alpha Kappa Chapter was awarded Southwestern Region Outstanding Chapter in 2010 and 2011 during my tenure as Chapter President and awarded the same as Southwestern Region Outstanding Chapter President.
In 2017, I was elected as the Assistant Southwestern Regional Director and served for four years. I was endorsed in 2021 by the Southwestern Region and currently serving as the 20th Southwestern Regional Director.
Nationally, I served on Credentials, Sergeant-at-Arms, Bylaws, and Bylaws Chairperson Committees. I was also awarded National Outstanding Chapter President in 2011 under the leadership of the 20th National President, Dr. Doris Browning Austin.
In 2021, I was elected and currently serving on the National Board of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. as the 20th Southwestern Regional Director.