Cheryl L. Scott
My name is Dr. Cheryl L. Scott. I became a member of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., Gamma Tau Chapter 33 years ago in 1987. I am the immediate past President and the current Recording Secretary for Gamma Tau Chapter in the Central Region. I am also the Assistant Regional Director, Regional Scholarship Chairperson and Regional representative for Toys U Can’t Return and the Iota Mother’s Assistance Program.
My education includes two undergraduate degrees 1) Zoology (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and 2) Medical Technology (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities). I have also earned a Master’s degree and Ph. D in Plant Biology both from the U of MN-TC. I am a Professor at the U of MN-TCin the Biology Teaching and Learning Department and teach general biology.
My hobbies include: reading, tennis, music and IOTA. As a member of the Lola Mercedes Parker Foundation Board I seek to promote initiatives that support African-American women, youth and familiesin education, financial stability and generational wealth.